Rancho Cotate High School believes that success in athletics directly relates to success in the classroom and to behavior on campus in general. The athletic dapartment believes that participation in interscholastic competitive athletics is an integral part of the total high school education and experience.
SportsNet Inc. Registration
SportsNet Inc. provides secure online registration services for school athletic programs. Below you will find a link to SportsNet along with written instructions for creating a parent/guardian user account and registering one or more athletes at Rancho Cotate High School.

Boys Teams | Girls Teams |
Baseball | Basketball |
Basketball | Cheerleading |
Cheerleading | Cross Country |
Cross Country | Flag Football |
Football | Golf |
Golf | Lacrosse |
Lacrosse | Soccer |
Soccer | Softball |
Swimming | Swimming |
Tennis | Tennis |
Track & Field |
Track & Field |
Volleyball | Volleyball |
Wrestling | Wrestling |
Sport/Team |
Coach |
Varsity Junior Varsity |
Boys Basketball
Varsity Junior Varsity Frosh |
Mike Washington TBD Chase Stanfel |
rchsbasketball@gmail.com TBD Chasestanfel24@gmail.com |
Girls Basketball
Varsity Junior Varsity |
Mario Newton Charles Buckley |
Marionewton78@yahoo.com Charbuck74@yahoo.com |
Competition Cheer Varsity Junior Varsity |
Ashley Tamba Payton Young Lehman Trinity Nuddleman |
ashley_thurston@crpusd.org payton_younglehman@crpusd.org trinity_nuddleman@crpusd.org |
Cross Country
Varsity |
John Anderson |
john_anderson@crpusd.org |
Gehrig Hotaling Daniel Smith Bud Guinn |
Girls Flag Football
Varsity Junior Varsity |
Hashim Yahya Nathan Rodriguez |
Hashim_Yahya@crpusd.org TBD |
Boys Golf | Al Liwanag | aliwanag413@yahoo.com |
Girls Golf | Al Liwanag | aliwanag413@yahoo.com |
Boys Lacrosse
Varsity |
Robert Buckley |
19bucks@live.com |
Girls Lacrosse
Varsity |
Madyson Smith |
madygracesmith23@gmail.com |
Boys Soccer
Varsity Junior Varsity |
Nick Rogers Hernan Mendez |
nicosuave15@yahoo.com TBD |
Girls Soccer
Varsity Junior Varsity |
Vincent Bunker TBD |
vbunker72@gmail.com TBD |
Varsity Junior Varsity |
Tracey Poueu Guerrrero Christy Martinez |
Talia.tiare@gmail.com ckeeler7@yahoo.com |
Swimming | David Pfeiff | david_pfeiff@crpusd.org |
Boys Tennis
Varsity |
Girls Tennis
Varsity |
Track & Field
Varsity |
John Anderson |
john_anderson@crpusd.org |
Varsity Junior Varsity Frosh |
Jeff Bradshaw Jesse Aquino Karen Lopez |
jeffreywbradshaw@yahoo.com jesseaquino18@yahoo.com ruceerius@ail.com |
Boys Volleyball
Varsity |
Alison Maruyama | alisonmaru621@gmail.com |
Boys Varsity Girls Varsity |
Anthony Navarro Bud Guinn |
Anthony_navarro1@yahoo.com budguinn62@yahoo.com |
Your rights as a student athlete
- You have the right to fair and equitable treatment and you shall not be discriminated against based on your sex.
- You have the right to be provided with an equitable opportunity to participate in all academic extracurricular activities, including athletics.
- You have the right to inquire of the athletic director of your school as to the athletic opportunities offered by the school.
- You have the right to apply for athletic scholarships.
- You have the right to receive equitable treatment and benefits in the provision of all of the following:
- Equipment and supplies.
- Scheduling of games and practices.
- Access to tutoring.
- Coaching.
- Locker rooms.
- Practice and competitive facilities.
- Medical and training facilities and services.
- Publicity.
- You have the right to have access to a gender equity coordinator to answer questions regarding gender equity laws.
- You have the right to contact the State Department of Education and the California Interscholastic Federation to access information on gender equity laws.
- You have the right to file a confidential discrimination complaint with the United States Office of Civil Rights or the State Department of Education if you believe you have been discriminated against or if you believe you have received unequal treatment on the basis of your sex.
- You have the right to pursue civil remedies if you have been discriminated against.
- You have the right to be protected against retaliation if you file a discrimination complaint.
Rancho Cotate High School
Athletic Administrator: 707-792-4757
Office of Equal Opportunity:| 916-445-9174
Handbook & Athletic Transportation Waiver
Below you will find the Parent & Student Athletic Handbook and the Athletic Transportation Waiver.
NCAA Eligibility Center
The NCAA Eligibility Center (formerly known as the NCAA Clearinghouse) is an organization that helps determine the eligibility of student-athletes to participate in college-level sports in the United States.
The NCAA Eligibility Center ensures you meet academic and amateurism requirements by reviewing your transcripts and amateurism questionnaire, with rare cases requiring additional information.
Rancho Cotate Athletic Department
Athletic Director - Matt Transue
Phone: 707 - 792 - 4750
Email: matthew_transue@crpusd.org
Athletic Assistant - Amy Smith
Phone: 707 - 792 - 4759
Email: amy_smith@crpusd.org
Athletic Trainer - Erin Stovall
Phone: 707 - 792 - 4512
Email: erin_stovall@crpusd.org
Fax: 707 - 792 - 4758
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