Dear Prospective AVID student and parent/guardian,
Thank you for your interest in Rancho Cotate High School’s AVID Program. If you would like to be part of this exciting and successful program fill out the application and gather the
necessary information needed to turn in with the application. Bring your completed application to your counselor or to the high school office where it can be placed in Mrs. Scardina's
mailbox. Be sure to attach the most recent copy of your transcript.
AVID stands for Advancement Via Inpidual Determination. AVID is a program dedicated to helping students achieve their goals of going to college. AVID is targeted to serve the students in the
middle or are the first generation college bound. AVID is an elective course that is part of the regular school day schedule. It is considered an academic elective. The AVID class provides
support, academic monitoring, and tutoring so students can be successful in their other classes and be ready to apply to a four-year university during their senior year. Other core strategies
of AVID include refining a student’s writing process, Socratic questioning, collaborative learning, and reading. Students also get the opportunity to explore career options and learn
about college and the application process.
Twice a year, the AVID program participates in field trips where we visit a Bay Area college campus or visit a cultural locale.
You are welcome to apply to our program. Typically, students that are fit for AVID:
- The student is in the middle and would not succeed in a rigorous curriculum without the support of the AVID class
- The student has a 2.0+ GPA
- The student has appropriate classroom behavior.
- The student has excellent attendance.
- The student will be dedicated to fulfill A-G requirements in order to apply to a four-year college as a senior. Refer to Cougar Tracks for specific information.
- The parents and the student have the motivation and desire to prepare for entrance to a four-year college or university.

What is required of an AVID student?
Although AVID is an elective class, it is an academic elective course and the student has certain responsibilities to ensure his/her success. It may seem like a lot work at first, but AVID
students can attest that the extra work is worth it. Each AVID student carries a binder in which he or she is required to keep materials from all academic classes. Students keep track of
assignments and are required to take notes in all academic classes. Led by student tutors, students participate in tutorial groups in the AVID classroom. Students will also be asked to keep
track of their grades and ask their content teachers to fill out periodic progress reports; in addition to routine school ones, for monitoring by the AVID teacher/coordinator. Students engage
in lessons that will help them figure out their college and career choices. Students also are offered lessons that will help them do well in college classes. All of these activities help the
AVID student be successful in school and get ready for college.
If the AVID program appeals to you and you wish to attend a four-year college, please take the time to fill out the attached application.AVID Application 2019.docx We encourage you to apply.
Please return your application as soon as possible. We may hold interviews either in person or on the phone. We well let you know if you have been accepted as soon as possible.
Thank you!
Rancho Cotate High School
5450 Snyder Lane
Rohnert Park, CA 94928
Louis Ganzler RCHS Principal
Angela Scardina AVID Administrator
Katherine Munski AVID RCHS Coordinator