School Counselors work with students to promote, social, emotional, and academic learning. We provide academic advising in relation to graduation requirements, course sequencing, the completion of A- G university entrance requirements, and planning beyond high school. We support students' personal development and growth throughout their journey at Rancho Cotate high school.
If you have any counseling questions about enrollment, scheduling, community service hours or transcripts, please reach out to the school counseling secretary at 707-792-4763.
Counselor Appointment Links (Students Only)
Students: use the button below for your LAST NAME to book an appt with your counselor. Counselors are available to speak with students regarding academic, college, or personal concerns. Counselors also offer drop-in hours every day during lunch for quick questions.
Parents: please email your studen'ts counselor for an appointment
Counselor Emails
Student Last Name A-Cha
Student Last Name Che-Hac
Student Last Name Hai-Mer
Student Last Name Mey-Rose
Student Last Name Ross-Z
The CCC is also open at lunch during the school year for quick in-person questions or to pick up resources. Stop by K-2!
Back To School Presentations
Check out your grade specific presentation to make sure you are on track for graduation and college; explore pathways at Rancho!
Fall Video Presentations (Without Links)
Fall Slide Presentations (With Links)
Rancho Course Selection
Course Registration
Please refer to the 2025-2026 RCHS Course Catalog for descriptions of classes, CTE pathways, graduation requirements, college eligibility requirements and other important information.
Incoming 9th Grade Students
8th grade course selection will take place at our 3 middle schools. School Counselors will give in- person presentations featuring information about class selection. This will take place from January 14 thru February 7. (Please email your middle school counselor with any questions about presentations.)
Current Students
Current 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students will be choosing classes for the 2025-26 year during their 2nd period classes in February.
All students will view a grade-specific presentation from counselors regarding class selection, graduation requirements, and college requirements. Students will have a chance to review their transcripts. Credit recovery for classes needed for graduation and college will be discussed at this time.
Slideshow presentations and handouts students receive will be available for viewing mid February.
Students: failure to pick classes may result in not receiving the classes of your choice.
Steps for selecting courses for current 9th-11th grade students:
- Course selection can only be completed in the Powerschool Student account during the registration window of February 3 - February 25, 2025.
- Students will login to their Student Portal and review their Graduation Status under “Transcript Information” in their portal account as a
guide to select the appropriate courses still required for graduation and college eligibility. (Please contact your student’s counselor if you have any questions about
status). Students will complete their final Powerschool class selection by February 25, 2025.
- Parent/Guardian: please review your student’s class choices with them to ensure you approve. If you need any information required to open a student/parent account please contact Rancho office personnel at (707) 792-4750 for help.
Schedule Change Requests
Our Spring 2025 classes are FULL
No requests for schedule changes will be considered for teacher preference, switching electives, or changing your free period.
Email your counselor only if you meet these requirements:
- Incomplete (fewer than 3 classes)
- Missing a required class for graduation or college (including AP/honors/CTE completer/ELD Lab requests)
- Contains 2 of the same class
CRPUSD Resources for Families
Here, you'll find valuable resources and information to support your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. We're committed to creating a thriving community where every student can lead a healthy and fulfilling life.
Team SUCCESS (formerly Project SUCCESS +) is a free, voluntary program designed to support students in being successful in all aspects of their lives. Team Success counselors meet with students during the school day and have evening hours available to see parents and make presentations to community groups. Each staff member has experience working with adolescents and has received specialized training in prevention and early intervention strategies. Team Success staff are employed by SOS (Support Our Students) Counseling and are supervised by Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists. Each Team Success counselor coordinates a range of services including classroom presentations, community activities to raise awareness of mental health related issues, conduct individual screenings and provide referrals, and provide individual counseling and facilitate support groups.
In addition, they meet with students individually and in small groups for education and prevention activities to correct erroneous perceptions about mental health. Flash Welch, M.A in School Counseling Certified Alcohol and Other Drug Counselor is the Team Success Site Manager responsible for coordinating and implementing prevention and education activities at our school. Flash is also a lead programs manager at Support our Students (SOS) Counseling in Santa Rosa. He works with Managers and Counselors at four other school sites that utilize Team Success services. Flash and his team will be available to see students who are using alcohol or other drugs or who have personal, academic or family issues that could lead to substance use or other concerns.
FORMER Students Transcript Requests
For FORMER students of Rancho Cotate, El Camino & Phoenix High Schools:
Please contact the counseling secretary 707-792-4763, or Salma Santorineos at / 707-792-4769. Provide the following information with your request:
- First and last name at the time of attendance & Year of Graduation/attendance
- Date of birth
- Number of official (signed/sealed) OR unofficial (not signed/sealed) copies requested
- Delivery Option & address/Fax #: Mailed, Emailed, Faxed OR Prepared for Pick-Up
Requests are completed in 24-48 hours. Requests for pick-up are available 9:00am -2:00pm, M-F.
During the summer months (mid-June through July), transcript requests are processed at our District Office, 707-792-4700.
CURRENT Students Transcript Requests
Before making your transcript request, make sure to check the transcript submission process at your college campuses.
Please note: We do not mail copies of transcripts to students’ homes. We will mail FINAL transcripts for graduating Seniors in mid-June, by request only.
Unofficial Transcript Requests
When completing college applications or scholarships, you may need to request an unofficial of your transcript. Unofficial transcripts have all the information of your transcript, but are not signed/sealed by our Counseling office.
To get unofficial transcript information, there are two options:
- Go to PowerSchool and access your Transcript tabs to see all the information located on your transcript. This is the recommend option for students requiring transcript information for RCHS course registration, and to locate basic transcript information for applications.
- Request an unofficial copy of your transcript from the Counseling Office. See instructions below on requesting physical transcripts. This is recommended if you do not need an official copy but need to supply your transcript.
PowerSchool Transcript Tabs: How to Access
Physical Copies
For all physical copies (non-electronic copies for colleges/scholarships, unofficial or official), please contact
If your college accepts electronic transcripts, please follow the instructions for electronic transcripts below.
Provide the following information with your request:
- First and last Name, student ID#, grade & date of birth
- Number of Official (signed/sealed) or Unofficial (not signed/sealed) copies requested
- Delivery Option & email address, if applicable: Prepared for pick-up or emailed
Requests are completed in 24-48 hours. Requests for pick-up are available 9:00am-2:00pm, M-F.
Electronic Transcript Requests (for colleges)
For most college applications, you often need to request an official copy of your transcript to be sent electronically to your campus(es). To make official electronic transcript requests, you will use Naviance.
- If your college campus accepts electronic transcripts, please start your process by requesting it through Naviance. IMPORTANT: Always access Naviance through
- SEE THE TUTORIAL BELOW. More info on requesting transcripts is available on the virtual CCC site on the "Naviance" page. And Naviance has also provided a tutorial here:
- The counseling office checks transcript requests frequently, and they are typically filled in 1-2 business days.
- Once your request is completed, you will see your request marked as "mailed" in Naviance. "Mailed" indicates your transcript request has been completed.
- If you requested a transcript for a college, "Mailed" indicates your transcript was sent electronically to the admissions office of your campus or sent through your Common Application.
- No transcripts are mailed to student homes; if you need a paper copy please follow the instructions for requesting a physical copy above.
- If there are any concerns with your request, you will be contacted by the counseling department.
If you have any questions about transcript requests, please reach out to Erin Nelson in the Counseling office at
Important: Naviance is not monitored during the summer months (mid-June through July). During this time, transcript requests are processed at our District Office, 707-792-4700.
Official Transcript Requests Video (click to start the Video)
DURING SUMMER MONTHS (mid-June through July)
During the summer months, transcript requests are processed at our District Office, 707-792-4708.
- Approx. 3 days for processing.
- In your email please include the following:
- Will your college accept unencrypted signed email copies directly from the school or do you need them mailed in a sealed envelope.
- An email address or the entire mailing address.
- If you have a student ID for the institution you are attending
All transcripts for the most recent graduating class will be uploaded automatically to the Santa Rosa Junior College and do not need to be requested.
Homework Help with
Sonoma County Library cardholders have free online access to’s expert tutors offer
one-on-one, real-time tutoring in over 40 subjects and test preparation areas.
Connecting with an online tutor is easy and free. You just need a library card and a computer or mobile device with internet access.
Live one-to-one help is available 1-10 pm (Sunday to Saturday). SkillsCenter resources are available 24/7.
Tutoria a tu disposition, en linea con
Sonoma County Librarian Help
Librarians are available to answer questions, help with digital resources and eBooks, update library accounts, and explain services. Call or visit your library, contact us using the contact form, email, give us a call, or text 707-632-4591.